York Research Chair,
Associate Professor of Sociology
York University

Hello & Welcome

I am a York Research Chair and Associate Professor of Sociology at York University. My recent research on political culture, migration and cities has appeared in peer-reviewed journals including Daedalus: Journal of American Academy of Arts and Science, PNAS, Social Forces, Social Science Research, The Sociological Quarterly, Ethnic and Racial Studies, International Political Science Review, Urban Studies, and Canadian Review of Sociology.

I believe strongly in the importance of sharing and disseminating my research findings. I have published opinion articles in the Washington Post, Toronto Star, National Post, Macleans, The Conversation and among others. I have shared my research with the public via national and international TV, radio and newspaper forums including NPR, CBC National news, CBC Toronto, CTV News, Fairchild TV, CBC Radio, Roundhouse Radio, Fairchild Radio, The Washington Post, The Economist, Financial Times, Toronto Star, and University Herald.

I act occasionally as a reviewer for journals including American Journal of Sociology, American Sociological Review, American Political Science Review, Social Forces, Social Problems, Urban Studies, City & Community, Sociology of Education, Population Research and Policy Review, and Canadian Review of Sociology.


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